Well life goes way to fast for me to try to keep up. But I am going to try to at least update every couple of weeks if not once a month which doesn't seem that hard right? Right!
I am going to try to do a quick catch up from what has been going on in our lives.
Christmas this last year was so much fun, Krue was so funny when it came to opening things, he didn't really know what was going on but he sure loved getting to eat the paper and play with the boxes. Craig and I both get spoiled by each other. I sure love to get to take the time and just try to think of what I can get him that he would like to have. We spent lots of time with both sides of our families, just trying to spend time with everyone. Krue got locked in my sister in laws car after christmas, she was going to watch him for us since Craig and I both worked that day so yeah, long story short the keys got left in the car and the doors ended up getting locked so therefore he got locked in the car. A Harrisville cop came and saved the day, he got there really fast and got the car unlocked so we could get him out. Thank you to all of the public service men and women that saved the day and most important my baby boy.
At the end of November I took Krue down to Primary Children's Medical Center to see a plastic surgeon because our regular doctor said she was worried about his head and the way it was growing and starting to shape so we went to see a specialist. It is actually my sister Ashlee's old doctor, doctor Morales. We found out that Krue's Metopic Suture closed to early on his head and that we need to do surgery. (I will do another post about it and what will be happening more in detail later on).
Life is going good, we are staying busy with work and trying to keep up with Krue, he is moving like crazy, he loves to play and he loves playing with other kids. He goes to my moms house 2 to 3 times a week while Craig and I are at work. I am working about 32 to 35 hours a week and I go Tuesday, Thursday thru Saturday. Craig normally works Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and then every other weekend.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Am I behind or what?
So much has happened in our lives since my last post over a year ago. Yes I know I am a slacker but I hope to get better at it now that I have little Krue to brag about all the time and all the things he is going to start doing and how he begins to change all the time. And also I hope to be getting a computer before the end of the year so that will help me be able to do that so I don't have to alway be borrowing one from one of my sisters or my dad or end up doing it up to my moms house while I am there visiting.
I will just try to do a quick up date with our lives and then I hope to be able to stay up to date with everything else from here on out, ( I am sure I will fall behind sometimes so don't judge). Well with Craig his is now working for Ogden Regional Medical Center in Ogden and a CNA on their Medical floor, he has really enjoyed that lots better then working at the assisted living home. He says being at the hospital it changes every day where as when he was at the assisted living place it was always the same every day and you never get to see new faces, so he likes this better, and plus its better pay and he has a better chance of moving up where he is now. Craig has also decided that he doesn't want to be a nurse any more, I told him that was fine because I would rather him go to work doing something that he likes to do rather then go to work every day hating what he does. He still wants to be in the medical field but he wants to do what is call BIO Medical Technician, this is where he will be able to work on most of the machines that are in the Hospital that aren't working right or that just need to be fixed. He will be starting that here in the next month or two, the other nice thing about this is that he will be able to take all the classes at the Ogden/Weber ATC which is nice that it is not to far away and that it will be cheaper then Nursing school (even though it wouldn't have matter the Hospital should help pay for him to go so that will be even nicer). Craig still loves to be able to work on different projects around the house he is always trying to find something to do or make which is good, he just can't sit still. He made a bottle launcher, a kid car wash for the niece and nephews to play in when they come out and it is way hot outside. He has been building hand railings for my Grandpa Wyatt, and I can't forget the biggest thing of all that his is doing. He is doing so much out in the Peach Orchard behind the house, after grandpa Stucki past away someone needed to do it so my Uncle Kirk said he would but he still needed the help and Craig knew what and how grandpa did it so he has been doing that almost every day. Something to do with it any ways, weather it be watering once a week or cultivating to hoeing around the trees to just trying to fix something so they can use it next week for something else he is busy. He is a busy man and I can't for get the most important thing, he has been trying to spend lots of time with Krue and be able to play and talk to him or just even take a nap with him. I love getting to see those two together I love them both.
Well for me this last year has been crazy, after I found out I was pregnant I just tried to get as much as I could get done every day. I was still working almost 40 to 50 hours a week then coming home to trying to get the house cleaned to making dinner to just doing whatever I could do for Grandpa and Grandma Stucki. I love working at the barber shop with my dad and grandpa, it has been so much fun I am excited but scared all at the same time to go back to work. At the end of April Grandpa Stucki got really sick and started going down hill pretty fast which was really hard for me to watch because he wasn't able to do what he wanted to be able to do. He went on a feeding tube and got really weak so Craig and I were both up during the night with him and grandma trying to help them in anyway we could since Grandpa wanted to be able to get up and use the restroom but grandma couldn't do it by herself so we were up which was hard on us since we were still working every day and then having to be up during the night. On the May 3rd I was put on bed rest ( well they said bed rest but they also said I just needed to be off my feet as much as I could and try to relax) So that meant no more work for me, they said that if I didn't I might have my baby 4 weeks early and they didn't want that to happen and neither did I. (at least not that early I could have done for a week or two early). During my time off work I tried to get what I could done around the house by cleaning and putting things away while also trying to stay off my feet which was a hard thing to do, and even harder when its me because I am a goer and have a hard time just sitting around not doing anything. With grandpa being sick we had lots of family here all the time most every day so I was able to visit with them and spend time with grandpa Stucki before he pasted away.
I was hoping to have Krue a week early but that was not happening so at my appointment the week before my due date my doctor said he would try to get me induced on Friday morning. So friday morning came and the hospital called and said that it wasn't going to be able to be that day because it was a holiday weekend and there was already lots of women that had gone on there own and not room for me to come so I was going to have to wait till Monday (memorial day) at 7 pm to go in, unless I went on my own before then. Well that didn't happen so Monday night we went in and the next morning we had our wonderful baby Krue David Price. I have loved being able to be home with Krue for the past 6 weeks and I know it is going to be hard to go back to work on Tuesday but I know why I am doing it and I am doing it for our little family to be able to have the things we would like and to be able to go and do things together.
Well that is it for now and I will try to keep up with the post and stay up to date with everything.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Weekend in Twin Falls
We were able to go to Twin Falls Idaho so spend the weekend at Scott and Sarah's house. Scott and Craig spend most of Saturday morning working on Craig's truck, getting it ready and all fixed up so that we can get it registered this month. Once we were done we were able to go to the park and play for a few hours which was nice to get out and enjoy the sun shine. We played a little baseball, or I should say we played hit the ball. I haven't just hit a baseball in a really long time, it was fun to see how bad I really am at the sport. The kids had fun getting out and playing at the park.
Maddox at the park

Hitting the ball
Hitting the ball
Sunday evening went to Shoshone Falls and just enjoyed being out and seeing what wonderful place we live on. The lord has given us such a beautiful land we live in.
Day at the Zoo
Craig and I went to the zoo with my mom and sisters and there kids. We had a lot of fun we were able to see lots of different animals and do lots of different things. It is so fun to get to go out and do and see so many things. Craig had never been to the zoo and it had been so long for me so it was fun to go together.
Me and Ellie
Sunday, June 5, 2011
When I was a little girl I would always want to come to Willard when my Grandpa Stucki had his watering turn. We would play in the water and help him move the pipes that he puts on the lawn to water it. Now since we live with him I was able to help him again. It was fun to get to help him do something I loved doing as a little girl. I wish I had gotten a picture of both Grandpa and I but I didn't, I guess I will just have to help him again. Here are a few pictures of Grandpa though.

I really had a good time helping him, we are so grateful to be able to live with my grandparents, they have been so good to us to let us live with them and help us out. We are glad we can help them out as much as we can, I wish I was able to do more for them. I love them so much! Thanks Grandpa and Grandma Stucki we love you.
Craig's true LOVE
This is Craig's true LOVE!!! Since I have known Craig he has talked about one day buying and building a kit Shelby Cobra. (I told him one day he could get one, we better start saving our penny's) Anyways our brother-in- law Randy's dad Richard Johnson built one and Craig was able to go for a ride in it. We made sure to get a picture of him in the drivers seat. After his ride in it, he got a nice souvenir to go with it, the pipes are on the outside of the car and they get really hot and well you can guess it he got his leg pretty good, I will try to post some pictures of his leg.
He is so happy!
He is like a kid in a candy shop!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Memorial Day 2011
Memorial day was great this year. We went up to Crane Creek Ranch again this year. We got there Saturday night about 6:30pm. We were able to relax and just enjoy the rest of the evening. Sunday we woke up to some snow, it turned out to be a great day, the sun came out and we were able to do a few things. We were able to go out and shoot some guns in the afternoon, I was even able to try out my new gun a 22 pistol.
Craig and I
Craig, Wyatt, Shauntae, Jim and Hannah
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