Saturday, August 7, 2010

In March we went to the IHC and had a doctor look at Craig's right wrist, they told us it was a ganglion cyst. He said that we could have it drained and there could be a 90% chance that the cyst would come back. Well it came back and so we decided that we would should have it removed so on August 6th we did just that, we had to be to Ogden Regional at 11 that morning to get things ready. My sister Ashlee came with us so that I wouldn't have to sit and wait by myself. We had to wait for about and hour and a half before they took Craig back but we brought a movie to watch so we didn't notice that it was very long! They were going to put Craig out but once they got into the room they asked him if he would like to stay awake so that is what he decided to do. The whole surgery took about 20 minutes, we spent more time waiting then the whole surgery took. After we were done we went to lunch at Goodwood and then to see the movie Step Up 3D which by the way is awesome.

Craig and Ashlee
Craig had to have two iv's

Where they made the cut

The cyst

Trying to get the movie to work

Craig and Me

Just before they took him in!

Just after Craig got out


benandtheshannon said...

Craig looks so great in hospital gown blue:) glad all went well!

Karen said...

I just want to say that you two are so cute together! I'm glad that you get to come to the ranch now and again!!!