Wednesday - when we got there we slept for a few hours then we got up and got ready for the day, we went to the beach so that the kids could play and just run around. We just walked on the beach and then we also walked on the pier and watched all the fisher men try to catch the little fish. (we never saw anyone get one one bigger then like 3 inches long.)
Thursday - We went to Disneyland with my sister and her family. We just tried to hit all the fun rides and get everything in that we wanted to do with them. (They were only going to be going to Disneyland the one day) It was fun getting to talk Cohen and Ruby on all the rides, Cohen liked all of them but Ruby liked some of them but not all of them. They were so fun so watch and see the big smiles on their faces! Craig and I got to watch Dexter while they went to the World of Color show that they have. He was really good for us, he slept the whole time! It really was get fun to watch him!
Friday- Craig and I got to have the chance to go to Disneyland another day since we had gotten season passes when we came down for our Honeymoon in November. Craig's sister Keri and nephew Marcus came this day with us, we were able to hit most everything that we didn't get to the day before. We also got to go and see the new show that they have the World of Color and all I have to say is that it was awesome. I am so glad we got the chance to see it, I loved it! I just love Disneyland, I can't wait to have kid's one day and be able to take them to the Happiest place on Earth!
Me and Craig as action figures!!
Saturday- We were able to go to Marcus soccer game that morning, it was really fun to watch him out there playing. He had so much fun, and it was fun to be there. After that we drove to Temecula were his Uncle and Aunt live, we meet them so that we could go to San Diego to play at the beach and ride the beach cruisers. It was over cast and cold the day we went but it was still fun to be there! Craig tried to skim board and he did alright for his first time but he decided that he would just stick to the buggy board so him and his cousin Shelby were out in the water for about 45 minutes doing that. I forgot to get a lot of pictures this day, sorry!
( Thanks Uncle Doug for dinner)
Sunday- SEA WORLD!! Yes I am so excited that we go to go to Sea World. This was my first time ever going there and it was so much fun I loved it. We got to see all the shows that they have there and they were pretty sweet! We got to do lots of things that I would never normally do. Craig feed the sting rays, I wouldn't do it I was to freaked out, but I did at least touch one so I am proud of myself for that at least!
They have all different kinds of animals in this one and it is pretty awesome, I have to say I didn't know you could train a Pig of all animals.
Craig and Marcus wanted to go on a ride so they choose Atlantis since you don't get as wet on this one.
(It took me about 5 minutes to even pick it up, I am a wimp when it comes to some things)
Craig in a polar bear cave
While we were walking around at Sea World I saw this cool looking chair lift thing that goes from one side of the park to the other and back. It takes you across the ocean and it was fun to just sit and relax and just enjoy the view, I am glad we did it!
Monday- We didn't have anything planned for this day so since we were staying with Craig's Uncle and Aunt we just stayed kinda close by. We went shopping at a mall that was about and hour away, we got a few things which was nice. It was also nice to just relax and not do really anything all day. We went back and hung out with his cousins, Craig and his cousin Micheal had fun playing ping pong, Micheal has a fun way of playing instead of keeping track of points they just give each other welts on there backs if they lose. Craig had a back full of them, I wish I had a picture of it but i for got to get one, it was pretty fun to watch!
Tuesday- We got up and got all packed up. We headed to Mesa, Arizona to meet up with Craig's Mission buddy Drew and his wife. We went to dinner with them just were able to stay with them for the night! Craig and Drew went and played racket ball, they had lots of fun, I think Craig is going to take that up as his new sport!
Wednesday- The alarm went off at 5 and that really was to early but I am glad we left so early or we wouldn't have gotten home till really late. It was a great trip we were able to listen to the book Harry Potter while we drove so that was fun it made the time go faster!
We had such a great time while we were away! I am so glad that I get to go and do all these fun things with my best friend, I can't wait for all the other fun times to come in the coming years! I love you so much Craig!!