Thursday, January 8, 2009

More about Christmas!

Well Christmas finally came to my house. We started off Celebrating with my big brother Riley coming home from his Mission in Mexico. We went to the Airport on the 29th to pick him up. After we got all of his stuff we went to Shannon's house for dinner. Then on the 31st we had everyone come over and we did Christmas, we had dinner with all of us and then we open presents. My parents decided that since I kept bugging them to buy a wii that they would just give it to us four kids that still live at home. We also got Rock Band, which I love!! :) It's lots of fun, it's been really fun to have! Michele, Ashlee, and Me!!
Me and Shauntae!

Morgan and Me before we opened presents!

Christmas Sleighs

Every year my Grandpa Stucki makes us a Sleigh. It has been a tradition since I can remember, and I look forward to it every Christmas! So he makes them out of candy and then on the bottom he puts some money. I really love this part of Christmas, I know that he makes them with love and I know he is thinking of each and every one of us when he is doing it! I love you GRANDPA!! Me with my sleigh

My sleigh!!


Well Christmas morning was a little different at my house this year! First off we didn't get up early to open presents. Second there was only 5 of us for Christmas breakfast, because my sisters wanted to do their own thing (which was fine) and then the weather was not so good so my grandparents didn't come either! Well last year me and Michele started a tradition that we make snow angels in our PJ's which is very fun, but very cold!

Ashlee, me and Michele getting ready to go out to make our angels!

Us making them

Having a snow ball fight!

Us after playing in the snow

My toes were so cold!